Researchers claim that a whopping 64% of our skin is made up of water. So if we’re suffering with dry flaky patches on our face or chapped lips, it makes sense to combat this dryness by giving the skin what it’s obviously lacking – water. Of course, we all know that hydration is hugely important in order for the body to function properly, and it can have many benefits in terms of our overall health. But when it comes to dry skin, on the face or anywhere, upping your water intake isn’t the only solution.

Like most things in life, it’s all about striking a balance. So if you suffer from dry skin – whether it’s a particular problem during the winter months, or an issue all year round – there are a few ways you can help tackle it from both the inside, and the outside. You just need to follow the right routine and also know which products and which foods do what for what, regarding your skin.

Hydrating from the Outside

The advantage to tackling dry skin from the outside is that we’re able to easily target the specific areas that are giving us the most grief. On the face, that’s often the lips, cheeks, and forehead – whereas on the body, it could be elbows, feet, or hands. Hydrating products that are applied to problem areas can get to work instantly, helping to jump-start the healing process.

Treating from the outside is really a 3-part process – but don’t worry, it’s simpler than it sounds!

  • Gently exfoliate

Even dry skin can benefit from exfoliation – it helps to remove dull, damaged, and dead skin cells from the surface, in order to reveal healthy cells underneath. However, it’s important to take extra care – vigorous scrubbing can actually make the condition of your skin much worse, so be sure to use a slow, buffing motion for a light exfoliation. Make sure to use the right type, too – your face will need a more specific (and much gentler) product than the rest of your body.

  • Apply moisturizer

How much thought do you give to your moisturizer or lotion? It’s worth considering the options, especially if you have dry skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to choose an unscented moisturizer, or one with ingredients that soothe the skin. Look out for organic skincare, products like cocoa butter (with cocoa butter extracts), or even petroleum jelly ­– Vaseline uses no preservatives, making it a good option for sensitive skin.

  • Lock the moisture in

Dry skin can be made worse by factors beyond our control – such as harsh weather, or even hormonal changes – but we can, take shorter showers, dry thoroughly and use the right moisturiser to lock the moisture in to help with dry flaky skin.  If you’re going to use a cream, make sure to use a long lasting skin cream that helps protect and hydrate the skin throughout the day Vaseline is ideal for this.

Hydrating from the Inside

We’ve already looked at how water is a vital part of our everyday diet, but are there other ways to hydrate the skin from the inside? Good news – yes! When coupled with topical treatments, your diet could play a major role in the health of your skin.

The skin isn’t just hydrated by water, it’s hydrated by fats and oils too. While this isn’t an excuse to start wolfing down greasy burgers, it is an excuse to add a bit more variety into your diet. Oily fish like salmon is a great idea, as well as nuts that are chock full of good fats.

Combination is Key

So, if you’ve been trying to improve the health of your skin through diet alone, or exclusively through topical products, then you’re missing out on other dry skin care solutions. Combination is the key to fixing problem areas – blending a good diet with a healthy, everyday skin care routine to bring back that healthy glow and banish those dull, dry areas for good.

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