5 Good Alternatives To Dicamba, Monsanto’s Top Weed Killer Admin July 14, 2018 Uncategorized Monsanto has developed an infamous reputation for putting their profits over the health of consumers by utilizing pesticides and other harsh chemicals. Do not think that you have to eat food that was treated without your well-being as a priority.More importantly, Monsanto exploits the market into thinking that their options are the only ones that are actually available. Monsanto tries to dominate a fragmented market, even though there are numerous products that are available that compete with Monsanto that are in fact much high quality.The weed killer market is a perfect example of this manipulation that Monsanto does in the U.S, as well as in other countries. Monsanto claims that Dicamba is the #1 product in the market, and that there is really no other option. However, this weed killer research shows us a much more comprehensive list of safe alternatives that you can use in your yard in your yard. It’s super important to make safety a priority when it comes to weed killers, because a lot of them can be toxic and harmful for your pets and your children. To complement the normal set of weed killers that we approve of, we’ve also created a list of natural weed killers that can often do the trick in your yard.VinegarThere is special vinegar made specifically to help eliminate weeds at most garden stores. White vinegar and apple cider vinegar work the best. The acid in the vinegar helps remove the moisture. Vinegar could potentially hurt other plants, though, so be careful while using it in your garden. Many people use water to dilute the vinegar until they know what the best solution is for their unique needs.HandsWhile this may not be the easiest or most time-saving method, you always have the option to get to work yourself by pulling out the weeds by the root. This method can be strenuous and might not be practical for larger jobs. Pulling the weeds yourself won’t hurt the soil, though, and it may work wonderfully for a personal garden as long as you keep up on it regularly.When you’re using your hands to pull weeds, make sure to use a good pair of garden gloves. Otherwise, you can develop significant blisters that can pain you for weeks if you’re not careful.FireFire can be a dangerous tool, but it’s been used to help control unwanted plants for ages. It’s also a very natural method. Lightning has helped get rid of weeds and other plants since trees began to grow on this planet. Many places sell specific torches that are designed to help get rid of weeds by burning them and removing the water that keeps them growing. Plus, it’s kind of fun of burn those annoying weeds.However, fire is a not a tool that should be used lightly when getting rid of weeds. The most important concern is that if your fires are not contained, they can quickly spread to other parts of your home. The last thing you want is a well-intentioned fire to kill your weeds destroying your entire house. Also important is that you specifically target your weeds with the fire. Otherwise, the fire can destroy all of the grass and garden that you’ve worked hard to maintain.MulchMulch is probably our favorite way to get rid of weeds. Sometimes, it can be more of a long process, but it’s by far the safest and surest way to keep your garden and grass healthy over the course of time. Gather up natural ingredients like wood chips and grass to help cover the ground from the sun. Without sun, the weeds and other unwanted plants won’t be able to grow. make sure that the plants that you want to grow prominently won’t be affected by the mulch, and this may require some planning in advance. You’ll also want to make sure to take care of this before the weeds start to grow to lower the amount of work you’ll have to do.SaltSome people hesitate to use salt for fear of hurting their other plants, but the truth is that salt is a very effective weed killer because it will dry out the weeds to the point that they die. Also, when used properly, the salt won’t hurt your other plants. It’s just important to research on how to use salt in your specific garden to learn how to make it the most useful. Generally speaking, though, you want to use small amount of salt.It’s everyone’s responsibility to make environmentally friendly efforts while tending to our gardens and crops. There are several effective and safe methods that won’t unnecessarily add chemicals to the soil or your plants. When you make the right choices, you can be even more proud to show off of your results.