Many of us know that honey is an excellent alternative to sugar and other artificial sweeteners. Thus, it contributes towards following a healthy lifestyle. However, not all of us knows that honey can be used with other natural ingredients to form hair masks.

Honey and Olive Oil Hair Mask Recipe

We know that the olive oil is a natural type of conditioner. Thus, the combination of honey and olive oil helps in faster hair growth and boosts hair health. The best thing is that you have to dedicate only 30minutes time and that too 2times to 4times in a month.

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You Need-

  • Half cup of honey
  • One-fourth cup of olive oil
  • One-fourth cup of buttermilk, which is optional


  • Blend the combination of olive oil and honey, while microwave them for about 30seconds.
  • Once the mixture becomes cool, you should add buttermilk in it and stir properly.
  • Now, you should apply the mixture evenly on your hair and leave the mask for about half an hour.
  • You should wear a suitable plastic cap to avoid the dripping problem.
  • Finally, you should rinse the honey mask by using lukewarm or cold water and shampoo.
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Honey and Banana Hair Mask Recipe

Bananas are excellent sources of potassium and other essential vitamins. Hence, the combination mask is essential for one’s healthy hair growth.

You Need-

  • Half cup of honey
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • One-fourth cup of olive oil
  • Only 20minutes of processing time


  • To start, you have to blend each of the ingredients to prepare a smooth and consistent mixture.
  • Apply the same mixture on your scalp and hair evenly.
  • Leave the prepared mixture for a period of 20minutes
  • You should wear a suitable shower cap for avoiding any mess.
  • After about 20minutes, you should rinse the mask gently by applying shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Lastly, you should comb your hair properly to avoid any banana chunk.

Honey and Egg Hair Mask

Eggs come with right amount of proteins required for the growth of your hairs. The hair mask thus provides enough nourishment to your hair follicles and thereby, promotes healthy growth of hair.

You Need-

  • One cup of honey
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 20minutes of processing time


  • Beat 2 whole eggs and add one cup of honey to it.
  • Mix each of the ingredients properly to get a smooth and a consistent mixture.
  • Apply the same mixture on your hair by starting from the roots of your hair and work down properly up to the hair tips.
  • Cover the head by using a suitable shower cap and wait for about 20minutes.
  • Lastly, rinse your applied hair mask with shampoo and lukewarm water.

Honey and Avocado Hair Mask


Avocados come as packed with varieties of essential antioxidants to avoid hair damage, while boost the scalp health. Also, the combination of hair mask comes with essential oil to nourish and condition your hair.

You Need-

  • Half cup of honey
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 20minutes of processing time
  • Required to apply for 3times or 4times in one month
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  • Blend the ripe avocado with half cup of honey.
  • Apply the same mixture evenly for coating for complete hair length.
  • Leave the mixture for a period of 20minutes and wear a shower cap for avoiding mess.
  • Apply shampoo, while rinse off the mask by applying a honey solution.

To conclude, we should say that the combination of honey and other ingredients i.e. honey hair mask plays a major role to boost one’s hair health.