How to react when your boyfriend hits you? Admin November 2, 2014 Love & Sex, Relationship1 CommentWhen someone is in a relationship the bond share by them is special and is fully based on the confidence and conviction between them. This association is so special that we can never imagine the conviction...
Benefits of Rose Water Admin November 2, 2014 Beauty, Women BeautyThere are exciting benefits of Rose water. Roses are so special in girl’s life and till date I have not met a single girl who can say that she don’t like roses. If you have ever lost yourself in the...
Few tips for Cleaning Leather bags Admin November 2, 2014 Accessories, Fashion, Lifestyle, Lifestyle How to5 CommentsCleaning isn’t rocket science. But who likes to clean stuffs? That too in a world of lazy people. Will people change their mind even when they find out that this affects them? Yes they surely do. Keeping...
Tips for choosing Sunglasses that suit you- Men and Women Admin November 2, 2014 Accessories, Fashion, Men Accessories, Women AccessoriesIn this modern world, there is not even a single thing without a choice. Everyone is gifted with the ability to make choices. The same goes with choosing over sunglasses too. There are plenty of sunglasses...
Quick ways to get rid of shoe odor when your shoes smell Admin October 15, 2014 Accessories, Accessories How to, Fashion, LifestyleEverything starts from the bottom. For e.g.: if you take your job, you will have to start from the very low level and then you should make your climb gradually. The same goes with every aspect of life. But...
Tips for maintaining Long Distance Relationship Admin October 15, 2014 Love & Sex, Relationship1 CommentTogether forever, never apart May be in distance, but never in heart…. : SITUATION OF THOSE IN LONG DISTANCE RELATION Long distance relationships are difficult to maintain with higher risk of...