Easy Comfy Sunday Outfits Admin May 19, 2019 Fashion, Fashion How toDressing comfortable and still looking presentable on a lazy Sunday is easier than you think! It is possible for beauty and comfort to coexist, no matter your size, shape, or personality type. Loose comfy...
Your Guide to the Game: Basketball Basics You Have to Understand Admin May 12, 2019 Lifestyle, Lifestyle How toIf you're in a relationship with a basketball nut, sooner or later you're going to have to learn at least some basics of the game. Too many people get into relationships and look at their partner's sports...
7 DIY easy gifts you can make for your love Admin May 1, 2019 Lifestyle, Lifestyle How to, Love & Sex, Relationship"It is not the gift, but the thought that counts.". -Henry Van Dyke Who doesn't like a well decorated present, right? We all surely love to get gifted on several occasions. But ssshhh! You never tell...
How to Wear the Athleisure Clothing Trend Admin April 24, 2019 Fashion, Fashion How to, Lifestyle, Lifestyle How to, Women FashionMost of us live hectic, busy lives, and we don’t have the time – or patience – to get glammed up to the nines just to perform our daily tasks. In response to this, people began to wear comfortable,...
The 9 Most Exciting Beauty Products To Try In 2019 Admin April 24, 2019 Accessories, Accessories How to, Beauty, Beauty How to, Women Accessories, Women BeautyJust when we thought that 2018 produced the most exciting and innovative beauty product, 2019 has unexpectedly been more creative thereby defeating the earlier produced beauty products. Fashion is a way of...
Blazers: The Perfect Outfit for Women Admin April 14, 2019 Women FashionA few decades ago, blazers were formal, thick and a little boring. But, fashion trends have changed dramatically. You can pair your blazers with shorts and pants. Blazers will go well with different outfits....